Swimsuit season's coming ... We got to lose some weight! Probably not but anyways we're going over today The fastest ways to lose weight. Now there's little changes you can make in your daily activity but mostly it is your diet that is holding you back .Here are my top 5 ways to quickly lose that weight.
Number 1- you need to quit drinking your calories you got to cut out the sodas, you gotta cut out milk ... lots of juices have added sugar. All that stuff ... just
drink water! You need half your body weight in onces a day. You do this one thing, you're gonna
lose weight immediately, you're gonna notice results with in a week or two and it's gonna be pretty drastic.
Alright number 2 is cut out your sugar. You've already started doing this when you cut out your sugary drinks Now quit eating the candies and the pies and the donuts and the cookies all these little snacks are going to make your blood sugar rise which is going to make you make more insulin which is going to make you store more fat .You just got to cut them out. Notice what you did not hear me say is cut out all your carbs you need carbs, carbs give you energy. Carbs restore your glycogen in your muscles which provides nutrients and makes you work harder.
Number 3 you probably need to eat more. Now this is a crazy concept .. You need to eat more to lose weight? You do! When you the wait until four in the afternoon to finally eat a meal ... wait till lunch you're killing your metabolism. If you eat more frequently your body is going to burn up these calories ..It's going to become the furnace. It's going to burn everything you eat. You're going to lose some weight. You need the six times a day and it needs to be every two and a half to three hours.
Now you have to eat the right things and the most important thing that a lot of people forget about is you got to have protein in every meal. Ladies need at least 25-20 grams on average of protein a meal, guys need thirty to forty grams. What you do when you eat protein is makes your food digest slowly and that's the main thing that's why you eat complex carbs ... it digest slowly. That way your body breaks down everything it doesn't spike your insulin levels, it doesn't make you gain weight.
Number 4 if you've been client of mine you heard me, say this many times you need to go on the one ingredient diet .What is one ingredient? The one ingredient diet when you're preparing food you want to look at something and it has one ingredient on it. its pretty simple just like that -you're eating chicken just eat chicken.
- Don't add any butter on it,
- Don't add any random spices ,
- Get your food from the farmers market.
- Do all that stuff
- It works that's all you got to do
Its really pretty simple number 5 .You need to lift. Everybody comes in the gym thinkin I need to do a lot of cardio, I can lose this fat and then I'm going to start working on getting stronger. You're just completely ruining your weight loss what you're doing is you're running off all your muscle. You burn less calories during the day and it makes it harder to lose weight. Now if you to come in and start strength training you're going to build muscle which is going to make you burn more calories from doing everything that you do normally through the day. It's a no brainer, you gotta lift! the cardio that you do need to do is interval training and plyometrics. This is going to allow you to save the muscle that you do have while burning fat.
Remember all this is a lifestyle change you just don't do it until you see results and then just throw it out. it's much easier to maintain once you've lost this weight than it is to keep repeating the cycle over and over again. So follow these five steps, start losing some weight And then stick with it.
Alright I hope everybody enjoyed my article , hopefully get some results out of it. If you did enjoy it please share it with your friends or like it on facebook or subscribe if you wanna read some more, please share this article anybody that you know that been going to the gym and they get on that treadmill and the pound it everyday get on that elliptical and the fat is just not going away. Just these little changes in the your every day dieting and activity are going to go a long way.
Related Tags: to lose weight fast, to lose weight fast naturally ,to lose weight fast and easy,to lose weight fast what should i eat, lose weight fast water