Today we are talking about proper implementation of
buttock muscles exercising technology , frequency, time, training, etc.
1. Building muscles, making them compact, burning fat, remember that your muscles need to be constantly stretched. Otherwise, you will walk as if you are stayed, moving limbs mechanically. Flexibility is the main condition for beautiful body movements: a woman’s gait should be graceful.
Leg Exercises for Weight loss
To stretch buttock muscles, sit on the floor, bend left leg in knee, pull it back and put on the floor with inner hip surface. Place right leg on the floor with outer surface, bending it in knee, and push sole to the front surface of left thigh. Bend forward slowly through a bent right leg, this way right gluteus is stretched. Then change leg position and stretch through left leg, stretching left buttock. Do this stretching as often as possible, bending lower and lower every time.
2. Running in the mornings will help you in gluteus correction, and at the same time problem areas will be trained.
3. Devote at least 20 minutes a day for any exercise (in our case - for buttocks).
4. In the first week of classes exercise during one hour to «break» fat deposits, after two weeks of enhanced classes (with an interval of one to two days), go to regular short sessions. «Awaken» muscles will not ache anymore, and you will feel easier exercising.
5. Do not stop training after a month of occupation, it is bad for figure - muscles increased in volume will fix in their new state and, in addition, gain new fat.
6. If you are going to hold regular training sessions, increase of muscles will be temporary, with time they will be reduced due to training.
7. We do not recommend you
exercising in the evening or at night : body spent a whole day without a workout, doing minimum load, now it needs to be prepared for the night, otherwise you will destroy its biorhythms.
after exercising, you will immediately relax muscles and put them to bed for rest. All work will be wasted, and in the morning you will have relaxed muscles, not obtained tone, go to work and spend the whole day, making usual movements, causing no development and strengthening of muscles.
read: Outdoor exercise for weight loss
How to Lose Weight in Your Butt