As a rule, any diets, except, perhaps, wine, provide a complete rejection of alcohol. On the other hand - folk wisdom says that alcohol is useful for digestion. Alcohol is a slow motion caloric bomb…
Alcohol affects digestion - but only not the way we would wish. Very high-calorie beverages, such as beer and vodka, slow digestion. At the same time, alcohol affects our perception, slowing it down.
Red wine is good for the heart - this truism even has a medical justification. Indeed, polyphenols, which are antioxidants, are available in red wine. Another point is that no fewer antioxidants are found in grape juice or black tea. If you drink more than one-two glasses of wine a day, then you can forget about promised benefits - high blood pressure is waiting for you.
How many kilocalories alcohol contains
* First place is given to liquors (from 300 cc for 100 grams).
* Second place - brandy (about 250 ccs per 100 grams).
* Third place is given to cognac and brandy (about 175 ccs per 100 grams).
Beer «without degrees» is relatively «harmless» - about 23 ccs per 100 grams.
But a glass of white (and red) sweet wine can match the caloric content of a bundle of chips (from 200 ccs to 100 grams).
Wine caloric content directly depends on kind of wine - dry, semi-dry or fortified. The more sugar - the more calories.
Compare yourself
Tomato juice caloric content - 20 cc per 100 grams,
orange - 40,
wine - 80 cc.
Alcohol cocktail contains at least 120 ccs.
Fat burn extinguisher
Alcohol is assimilated very quickly - almost same as sugar. It's «own» calories burn instantly. At first glance - there’s nothing wrong. Alas, all striving for ideal figure should remember the fact that alcohol has a very nasty side effect - it slows down fat burning.
* Take adopt the following approach-start meal with a glass of mineral water, between two glasses of wine or beer you should certainly drink a glass of water. Alcohol is necessary to enjoy the taste and remove stress, rather than quench thirst.
* Do not hurry to drink - before you drink, ask yourself - do you need this glass?
* Grow fond of high-quality, expensive drinks - and drink a little, enjoying the taste.
* If you have an opportunity to learn what is written on the label of the bottle - look!