eating green foods for weight loss |
When it comes to making decisions about food, we are quick to think of our own health and what we can do to improve our quality of life through
diet. But we shouldn’t forget that the decisions we make about where to get our food from and what to eat can affect more than just our individual bodies—it can also significantly affect the environment.
Although eating well and eating green don’t always mean the same things, there are some habits that overlap into both categories. Making an effort to eat green forces you to be more conscious of what
foods you are putting into your body and, consequently, may result in an overall healthier you in addition to a healthier environment!
1. Buy Local Good
The number one rule for
eating green is to choose
foods that were grown locally. Not only does this support your local community, but it also reduces the amount of travel and fuel necessary to get a vegetable from its vine to your plate. Not every item on your grocery list can be purchased at a local farmers market, but you’ll be surprised at how much of it can be found locally.
2. Only Buy What You Need
Do you ever find that you end up throwing out obscene amounts of food simply because you bought too much in the first place? If you plan meals ahead of time, you’ll be less likely to end up wasting food and more likely to eat everything in your fridge before it becomes forgotten or goes bad. Plus, if you stick to your grocery list you’ll be less likely to diverge into the junk food aisle or overspend.
3. Cut Back On Meat
The modern process of producing meat causes excessive pollution and uses many of the earth’s resources frivolously. Reducing your intake of red meat can benefit your health in many ways as well as help out the green initiative to improve our planet’s air quality and resource conservation.