Cabbage Soup Weight loss Diet |
Majority of the people these days are resolving to a healthier lifestyle because of the advent of diseases and illnesses brought about by an unhealthy or sedentary lifestyle. Studies shows that there is a rapid rise in the number of overweight in the World and more so with the obese. The researchers believe that it is because of the evolution of the way we process our foods and the quality of food that the people are eating. With the presence of instant foods and fast-food chains most of us, especially those who are always busy tend to settle to these kinds of foods that are very rich in sodium, preservatives, bad cholesterol, and other unhealthy substances, including the tendency of decreased fibre intake. But the significance of that study shows a relationship between the increasing number of overweight and obesity with the rising number of cases in heart attack, stroke or technically brain attack, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer (after ruling out the probability in genes), these diseases are mostly lifestyle related. And because of this some we are
resolving to exercise and workouts, trying to spend and sweat out excess energy as much as possible but some people are trying to find ways to
reduce weight as fast as possible without consuming too much energy or without working out.
One of the methods in losing weight rapidly without exerting too much energy and effort is through foods renovation or diet renovation and an example of it is the new cabbage soup diet. Those will undergo with this
method of losing weight must have a self discipline since the
effects of cabbage soup diet to the taste buds are tormenting, especially if one got used to seasoned foods. The formulated cabbage soup diet is just plain bland diet. Some who tried this diet said that it is a very boring diet. But the good news of this diet regimen is that you may lose as much as ten pounds in just seven days! And good news is that you only have to undergo the tasteless cabbage soup diet for only seven days. Just seven days of sacrifice to the bland cabbage soup diet and the reward is losing ten pounds, and that is a lot already in just seven days. But after this diet regimen in seven days you must shift to another ways of weight control because there will also be unhealthy effects if the diet regimen lasts for more than seven days.
Does The Cabbage Soup Diet Work
The cabbage soup diet is basically like a crash diet or a kick-start diet for some. It is a crash diet in a sense that it targets to make you lose 5-10 pounds in seven days time. Others consider it as a kick-start diet to something long term once you’re done with the 7 days, because who won’t be inspired to continue on with a lose-weight goal after you’ve shed off 7 lbs in only a week, right? You’d be out of your mind if you won’t, or resort back to pigging out again after the hardship you’ve been through. So does the cabbage soup diet work? That is often the question from some of my friends who wanted to try it. Before I tried on the soup a few months back, I did some research and reviews about it first then seek for my doctor’s approval after I’ve finally set my mind on trying it. So does the cabbage soup diet work for me? I lost 8 pounds after a week of faithfully and strictly sticking to the diet. Some of the reviews I’ve read said that some who tried it felt weak and starved on the first few days. So to be safe I complement my diet with a daily mutli-vitamin to help me keep my physical strength.
I am not going to say it was an easy feat though it’s only for a mere seven days. It takes a lot of willpower not to cheat on this diet even for just one bite of that brownie that’s been temptingly sitting on your fridge next to your bowl of cabbage soup. How did I survive the whole week? Beside from following the diet exactly as what it says, I also make it a point to drink four or more glasses of water every day. I also mentioned earlier that I took multi-vitamins daily so I won’t feel any weakness. Splurge on the soup whenever you feel hungry. You can eat as much of the soup as you want because the more you consume, the more calories you should lose. If you want to liven up the taste of the soup, add different spices to it so it would taste better. I added cayenne and black pepper to mine. Tasted super!
I would recommend this diet for those who need to lose weight fast in preparation for an upcoming special occasion or if you just want to be inspired by the result and get motivation in taking on a long term weight loss program. But I heard it is not advisable for those who are drastically overweight.
So, there you go, I’ve shared my own success story of my cabbage soup diet feat. Once you have a go signal from your physician, go ahead and try it and then be the next one to answer the question: Does the cabbage soup diet work?
Cabbage Soup Diet Reviews
The Cabbage Soup Diet has been in existence since the 80s approximately. The plan is to have you take a heavy consumption of the low calorie soup for seven days. There had been different versions of this diet plan developed since then. Whatever these versions are, you can easily recognize it by its main feature – you can eat as much cabbage soup as you want.
If you want to try this type of diet but are looking for some cabbage soup diet reviews first in order to get useful feedback, then you came to the right place. I have personally tried this diet two years ago and I can clearly tell you how it worked for me back then.
I was so fund of junk foods ever since I can remember. When I finally got very conscious of my body weight, a friend of mine recommended the cabbage soup diet. She said I’d lose weight in no time, and because I was desperate to lose weight in a jiffy, I immediately went to do my needed groceries for the said diet the moment my friend handed me the recipe for the soup. I also heard this is a good way to detoxify your body. Just the stuff I need after consuming tons of junk foods over the years. The ingredients for the soup are chicken bouillon cubes, tomato paste, peppers, carrots, cayenne pepper, onions and of course, the star of the show, cabbage. The amount of soup you need to cook should be just enough to last you for a week. You then need to store it in your fridge and just get the servings you need every time you are going to eat some.
Although the soup is really tasty, I serve mine with lots of pepper. I just can feel my body being detoxified while I’m sweating because of the amount of pepper I have put on it. Whenever you get hungry in between meals, you’re very much welcome to splurge on as much servings of cabbage soup that you can take. But of course you are not expected to live on the soup alone for seven days! There is also a special diet plan that you need to follow for the whole week provided you don’t miss several servings of the cabbage soup together with your meals, or in between, every day.
The thing with the cabbage soup diet – and you can also read about this in most cabbage soup diet reviews – is that it is not a type of diet that you can maintain for a long period of time. You can lose weight fast, that’s for sure, but you’ll eventually feel weak and dehydrated if you keep it up for more than a week. I heard it is not recommended for drastically overweight people because it tends to be some kind of a starvation tactic. But I would highly recommend it to someone who wants to lose weight fast in time for some big occasion or event. Just don’t take the diet for more than week. Wait at least a week or two before starting on this diet again if you want to keep on losing weight fast. Just make sure you won’t pig out during the intervals.
Pros and Cons of the Cabbage Soup Diet
Pros: there will be
rapid weight loss for only seven days. You can eat as much of the foods listed in the program as you want. You can drink as much water as possible, there is no water restriction. The diet is only good for seven consecutive days no more, no less, and after you follow the regimen you may continue with your usual diet, but after seven days of discipline and good result most people who went following the cabbage soup diet developed the attitude of maintaining the healthy and fit lifestyle through other ways that’s applicable long term.
Cons: Some people find the soup bland and cannot tolerate its taste and they tend to add seasonings and other stuff to the formulated cabbage soup diet recipe to make it taste good thus the purpose of the regimen will be defeated. Others report feeling light-headed, weak, and have suffered from decreased concentration. This is because the body didn’t have much time to adopt to the new diet thus causing a little imbalance while the body is getting oriented to it, also this might be due to lack of other nutrients that supplies the body energy and vitamins. But for most of the people who went through the regimen find the results to be worth the sacrifice.
cabbage soup diet can give
quick effective weight loss results to someone but you should know that the biggest drawback of this soup diet plan is the total monotony of eating cabbage soup!
Weight loss in this kind of diet plan will probably occur due to the low intake of calorie. The cabbage soup diet may be known for many things but the mere fact is that being a complete source of vitamins and minerals is actually not one of them.
There are also serious concerns regarding the nutritional quality of this diet and cons in taking this kind of diet.
- The soup is somehow tasteless and bland.
- Some of the reports said that other people experienced a feeling of light-headed, weak, and have suffered from decreased concentration
- The diet is also low in protein, calcium, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids.
- Have high levels of sodium
- definitely not a long-term answer for weight loss
- Requires will power to some since you have to follow a strict list of foods you should eat each day of the week
- The diet should actually be only consumed for no more than 7 days