Most women go to great lengths to avoid the discomfort and embarrassment of breaking a sweat, although this becomes much harder as the summer weather starts to heat up. Instead of dreading the summer warmth, embrace your body’s natural cooling system and start to appreciate the benefits of sweat for your physical well-being.
Particularly when exercising outside, you’ll find you sweat more than when you run on the treadmill inside a heavily air conditioned gym.
Here are the best reasons to break a sweat this summer:
Temperature Control
Sweating during exercise is a sign that your body is working to maintain a comfortable temperature. Take it as a sign of hard work and wear your workout sweat with pride. Humans also sweat to control body temperature if they’re fighting a sickness or sometimes dealing with stress and anxiety. Think of it as a built-in, natural air conditioning system for your body. It can reduce both temperature and stress depending on the situation. If we didn’t sweat when we exert energy, we would experience exhaustion more easily due to overheating.
Cleaner Skin
Although many people think of sweat as dirty, it is actually serves an important cleaning function for your skin. Sweat can result in cleaner skin because it removed toxins such as bacteria that can collect in skin pores. Sweat also helps remove dead skin cells so new ones can take their place, which gives you a healthy glow.
Benefits To Overall Health
Sweating is also good for your overall health because it not only removes toxins from your skin’s surface, but cleanses internal toxins as well—sweating is basically a natural detox system. One of the many benefits of exercise is simply the fact that you sweat more than usual. Immunity to infections can increase as you sweat out more toxins.